
See & Shape Your Relationships

RelationGrip Is The World's First Relationship . . .

  • MRI RelationGrip reveals the truth, not an assessment of the truth. It isolates and purifies any single relationship to a degree that allows that relationship to be compared to any and all other relationships. RelationGrip is the first relationship SHOW ME technology.
  • Language RelationGrip is the first unified codification of relationships. What can be shared between two friends in 45 seconds, could not be replicated by any other communicative means. RelationGrip is the end of relationship baby talk.

There are two types of secrets: those hidden in nature and our observable/measurable world, and secondly, those hidden within the architecture of humans and humanity. RelationGrip is a creation that reveals and explains secrets in both worlds.

I’m Bradley Falk and I invented the first bones of RelationGrip at thirteen, and the expanding depth of knowledge I gained from RelationGrip has shaped my entire career and every sector of my life.

The Truth About Relationships . . .

Relationships have never been stored, nor can they be accessed in our heads. I discovered not only where relationships live and breathe but invented the technology that quickly and accurately reveals them for what they truly are.

Relationships cannot be described by any quantity of words or volume of focused questionnaires. For solving relationship problems and questions, the mind is a cruel maze with no exit, depleting you with every minute and every step.

How much time have you spent tossing and turning in this agonizing maze, trying to figure out why he/she did that to you—and to themselves? (A month is 730 hours.) For most, this number is too painful to sum.

The Secret Hiding Place Of Relationships

Imagine you get up in the middle of the night, turn on the kitchen light, and lock eyes with someone you do not knowsitting at your kitchen table. Relationships are stored in that primal place because relationships are as important to our survival today as they were 500,000 years ago.

In locking eyes with that stranger, you made thousands of observations and judgements of everything going on with the stranger, the environment, and yourself. And, in five years you will remember everything about that moment, but you won’t find the memories in your head, so remember is the wrong word, the word is know.

The Visceral Storage Warehouse

Visceral means of the gut. RelationGrip—almost literally—grips a single relationship at a specific time/condition. (For example, the relationship Right before he changed jobs.) RelationGrip then pulls the relationship out and onto a visual symbolic model. But, that’s not entirely accurate . . .

Just to be really complicated—you do not store a whole relationship in one place, but in four distinct and separate visceral locations that point to the other parts that sum to make it whole. RelationGrip pulls from these four mutually-exclusive locations and visually combines them.

There are four Elements that make a relationship and they will be as familiar as a song from your childhood.

Why RelationGrip Can Profoundly Change Your Life

I’ve said that the brain vexes and clobbers you with your relationship musings, but actually—RelationGrip’s true power comes from the brain.

A single relationship, at a specific point in time, once captured by you in the visual RelationGrip model, is called a Grip. When your brain sees a Grip it screams, Why didn’t you just say that’s what you’ve been talking about!

Your mind is able to wrap around RelationGrip’s visual model (a Grip) because it has the dimensions, concrete definitions and context it requires. This means, your brain is now able to fully absorb the relationship and create a strategy to get you what you want.

Watch A Movie Of Your Life

RelationGrip gives your brain two coordinates: where the relationship is, and where you want the relationship to be. Intuitively, the brain uses the four Elements, and its innate understanding of the Elements, to create a course of action. Moving anything anywhere—is always about navigation.

Let’s assume you’ve had three failed romantic relationships in the last eight years, and the collapse of each left you a combination of surprised, confounded and wounded. Build three Grips for each relationship: one In The Beginning of the relationship, one somewhere In The Middle, and another Just Before The End.

To discover the attraction pattern, RelationGrip will make a Movie of the three In The Beginning Grips. While the Movie plays you’ll see a pattern emerge—there is ALWAYS a pattern.

You can use the In The Middle and Just Before The End Movies as warning beacons for current or future relationships. Destructive relationship patterns and blind spots cannot hide from RelationGrip.

RelationGrip Measures: Love, Forgiveness, Trust . . .

RelationGrip can accurately measure anything within a relationship—absolutely anything—you can frame in a question.

Examples of Crucible Questions:

  • A Grip of this moment, compared to—What if she hadn’t cheated on me last February?
  • A Grip of this moment, compared to—What if he doubled his understanding and empathy of how draining my job is on my emotions, focus and energy?
  • A Grip of this moment, compared to—What if we hadn’t moved to Denver?
  • A Grip of this moment, compared to—What if he loved me as much as I love him?

The answer to a Crucible Question is the visual of the first Grip fading into the second Grip. The changes of the four Elements is your answer to the Crucible Question, and what your brain has been waiting for. The answer to a Primary Crucible Question is the question that changes every position on the Grip.

RelationGrip's Most Surprising & Valuable Discovery

Do you know the kind of tired that penetrates into your entire being when you’ve been giving more in your relationships than you have been receiving in your relationships?

We call this condition Soul Malaise and in every single regard it mirrors starvation of the body.

One of RelationGrip’s four Elements measures the soul-to-soul, juice-of-life stuff that is found flowing and exchanged in every relationship. RelationGrip will build a Weighted Average of your most important relationships, and you will see exactly by how much you are storing or depleting this juice-of-life that can only be found in human relationships.

Soul Malaise may look like depression, but it’s not. Soul Malaise has a singular cause that can now be readily identified and remedied.

If you are suffering from chronic Soul Malaise, it will require massive changes and RelationGrip will give you acute awareness of what you need to do. The miracle contained within RelationGrip is that YOU will be making the decisions, not that external obscure villain you call Just My Life Right Now.

This Changes Both Your Internal & External Worlds

RelationGrip always follows the path of: Enlightenment—Strategy—Power—Peace.

For the first time, RelationGrip allows you to see the Invisible Man (a relationship). You are enlightened to any relationship you want to Grip. The brain yells Woohoo! and develops a strategy, or even many strategies to test. You then measure progress in each important relationship. In a few relationships you will immediately see your strategy is working, and you feel powerful in an area of your life that has always made you feel like a slave.

From successfully shaping your relationships, you will gain and retain true reproducible Power. (Knowledge and confidence combined—destroy fear.) In the absence of fear, there is peace.

For a particular vital relationship, you measure and make adjustments, but the relationship just heals in one place only to experience damage in another. Whether RelationGrip allows you to heal that relationship or not—you will come to peace with the fact you’ve tried everything in your power . . . everything humanly possible.

To measure the peace upon this planet, just measure the peace within each person.

Bradley Falk

Since I was a sophomore in college, I’ve dedicated the majority of my professional career to helping others reduce their suffering, and I have learned that we migrate every form of human suffering into our relationships.

If you’ve seen my wife, Jolan (wife/business partner/best friend), and I together, you’ve seen a vibrant long-term relationship.  In 1988, our second company, CreativeForce.com, co-created the industry of Desktop Mapping with Apple and Adobe Systems.  (We were just out of business school, at the time.)  CreativeForce.com is alive and well under Jolan’s direction.

In 1999, Jolan and I were founding occupants of the neoclassical community West Park Village in Westchase (Tampa), Florida.  In this place, dozens of us have built and nurtured relationships that are something between family and friends.  We have proven the dozens of benefits (for everyone) of living the African proverb, It takes a village to raise a child.

RelationGrip offers hope to every soul and sector of society that requires deeper understanding of self, others and human behavior. I dream of globally impacting human suffering, especially in regard to personal and relational issues impacting the stability of the family unit.  RelationGrip takes on several more dimensions when Grips are shared.

RelationGrip is complete and contains all of the functions referenced on this site.  I’d love to show you.

I invite you to contact me.


Bradley Falk

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

​​—R. Buckminster Fuller